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Ravalli County Off Road User Association

Our mission is to bring together on and off highway enthusiasts to enjoy, promote and protect responsible off highway vehicle use and other recreational activities.




What we do


  • Get involved with State and Federal agencies at the planning and project levels to promote the interests of our membership.

  • Assist State and Federal agencies to maintain existing trails.

  • Advocate the establishment of environmentally responsible new trails.

  • Evaluate and inventory roads and trails which may be of value for OHV use.

  • Sponsor Fun Runs, charity functions and other outdoor activities .

  • Proactively promote the safe and responsible use of motorized vehicles through a program of awareness, education, regulation and enforcement.

  • Be active in organizations that advocate OHV use.  

Latest News:  RCORUA Grants!

We are happy to announce that we have received a new grant from Yamaha Motorsports!  This grant will be used on the Warm Springs Ridge single track trail on the Bitterroot National Forest.  Please see our grants tab for information on this grant as well as the existing grant from Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks, Trail Stewardship Program being implemented at Mud Creek on the West Fork Ranger District.

Past Events


Camping near Red River Hot Springs

Ride at Pipestone

RCORUA is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization   EIN: 56-2522847

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